Ecommerce Marketing

Advancement of technology in contemporary society has revolutionized how business transactions are carried. In the business world, various methods have been adopted that aims to increase the profit margin of companies and other organizations while at the same time meeting the customers’ needs. Ecommerce marketing is one of the current methods that has been adopted to facilitate transactions online.

What is Ecommerce Marketing?

E-commerce has great importance for your company and can help you to profit from moving online.

E-commerce is an act of using an electronic platform to undertake business transactions. It is the purchasing and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transmission of money and information to effect these transactions.


E-marketing is thus regarded as a gigantic internet marketing strategy that utilizes the prevailing e-commerce market to promote companies brands, services, and products. Ecommerce marketing utilizes customary marketing principles such as social media, digital content, search engines amongst many others as a multichannel strategy to appeal more to visitors and expedite more online purchases.

Ecommerce role in your Business

Brand Expansion

E-commerce is a paramount platform that can help you to take your brand from an accustomed block and cement store to an inventive and valued brand. By providing great products 24 hours a day along with online client service your commerce can be the residence of your products and the over-all home of your business, permitting you to completely multiply your product assortments without having to fear about moving positions or distressing about not being able to enlarge your business.

More Convenient

An online store is accessible all day in 24hrs making it possible for your clients to visit your store at all times irrespective of their busy schedule.

Proliferating Your Reach

Billions of people across the globe can view your website at any time. This means that if you are looking to expand your business and reach out to a greater audience, you have many more prospects to do so.

Provides You with Marketing Prospects

You can use your website to attract more clients. Your business website is the supreme marketing tool you can employ to scale to greater heights. You can use pay per click advertising, social media marketing as well as an email to market your business.


E-commerce site allows you to scale your business thus allowing you to add more payment options and add more lines. It also allows you to grow without necessarily having to change locations or moving to a bigger premise to accommodate your huge stock.

Ecommerce stratagems

The e-commerce approaches are developed essentially grounded on how shoppers shop, what clients purchase and how they react to technologies used by companies. These strategies include:


Chabot’s are significant in enhancing the client experience. A business establishment can use chatbots to promptly converse with clients and resolve their concerns on several platforms, for example, online store or Facebook. Live chatbots can assist you to interact with clients, track and manage your record, thus letting you identify specific best-selling items in your online store.

Interactive Product Visualization (IPV)

Product visualization is an excellent strategy for you to present your products to your customers.

(IPV) will aid your clients to examine every feature of a product, which in turn will permit them to make a knowledgeable decision without bemoaning it later. It will help you circumvent criticisms and negative appraisals.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is making significant progress in the E-commerce domain. At the present time, corporate decision making has become more information-driven and there is an ever snowballing demand for quantifiable metrics. For instance, website traffic, conversion rate, engagement rate, bounce rate etc. are tremendously vital features for online dealers.

Advanced Product Filtering

The advance product filtering functionality permits your clientele to find precisely what they’re looking for speedily and effortlessly. The advanced filtering mechanism permits clients to sort through a multifaceted assortment of product choices. Actually, clients who cannot find what they are looking for within a few minutes are more expected to bound from your site

More Delivery Options

Delivery is a critical aspect of e-commerce business and has to be fast, timely and convenient.

Implementing an Ecommerce Marketing Strategy?

An efficacious eCommerce marketing plan is made out of numerous constituents to form a common goal of growing sales on the business e-commerce store.

Ecommerce Marketing Plan is comprised of:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The SEO work by ranking written content on your website. The words used in your website e-commerce store will determine how you rank in search engine outcomes. Search engines depend on your merchandise names, copy, and info to tell them what is significant and should be shown for specific keywords or phrases.

Using Pay-Per-Click (PPC) as your advertising model

PPC is a crucial advertising model that can be used to drive gigantic traffic to your e-commerce website. As a store vendor, you will be able to use PPC every time an ad is clicked.

Email Marketing

Sending emails to your customer list is still one of the very best ways to not only drive sales but also to establish and increase brand loyalty.

Blogging and Content Marketing

Creating a corporation blog is one approach to convince prospective clients to have in faith you. It demonstrates that you have a lot to say about your business and industry, and implies that you are both knowledgeable and a reliable source of information. Having a blog help to bring in more clients and repeat guests who end up creating a devoted brand following. Content marketing motives purchases hence increasing profit margin. Content marketing includes online material such as blog posts, infographics, GIFs, videos, images among others that attract your target audience. It is a way to coach prospective clienteles about your product(s), develop thought management and product.

Social Media

An eCommerce marketing plan relies heavily on social media. Being present on Facebook or Twitter is crucial for your coverage of potential clientele. Social media is tremendously important to a brand's online presence.

Social media marketing is the process of creating content that you have tailored to the context of each individual social media platform in order to drive user engagement and sharing

Link Building

Link building is vital to e-commerce marketing given that search engines depend on these links to decide how prevalent — and rank- praiseworthy — and the website is. You need to have several links to your website so as to increase traffic

A/B Testing, Optimization and Updates

A/B Testing, Optimization and Updates require that you sustain changes and updates to your online store as well as observing your analytics software always. You can use Google Analytics to determine which pages are doing best, and those performing poorly.

Ecommerce Marketing Benefits

E-commerce marketing provides consumers with the following advantages:


E-commerce marketing offers convenience as it is continuous and sustainable. You are guaranteed of services for 24 hours a day and throughout the week.

Increased assortment

Numerous stores provide a wider collection of products online.

Miniscule cost

The asking price of marketing online across the world is the minute when equated to the real cost of marketing in conventional methods.

Paperless offices

Ecommerce encourages use of paperless offices and practices, therefore, minimizing expenses in terms of capitals.

Passive Earnings

Ecommerce allows to shop 24–7 in a global market with diverse global audience hence provide a potential of creating a passive income stream

Easy to scale and grow: It is very easy to scale your budget, easy to optimize and easy to scale your business as customers expand.

Save on Rent

You are able to save on rent given that you are required to part with only minimal cost to do a website setup and maintenance only.

Save on Staff

You will not have to pay staff as other physical businesses do. You can rely on other tools such as chat-bot to communicate with your clients.

It makes it easy to go global

E-commerce marketing is not bound by fixed location and thus it is easy to expand online depending on the services and products you need us to provide. 

Do you want to launch a new e-commerce business or manage your existing online business store, Hire Data Algorithm today for ecommerce effectibe ecommerce business growth solutions.