Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the most modern form of Digital Marketing and is a cheaper way to reach millions and billions of users. Around half of the world population now uses the internet with 2.7 Billion users have active Social Media Accounts. This makes social media a lucrative platform for businesses to promote their products and services and increase their customers and prospects.

What is Social Media Marketing: Everything You Need to Know - Data Algorithm
Social media marketing is the process of creating content that you have tailored to the context of each individual social media platform in order to drive user engagement and sharing.” 
There are billions of people that actively use Social media on a daily basis. These people are from different regions and religions, different race and age groups and obviously with different interests and buying habits. Social Media Marketing is basically using Social Media Platforms to engage all these people through continuous content generation. The ultimate purpose is to increase the customer base, making customers fans of brands, continuous engagement with them and increasing fan base that will turn into customers.

The Most Popular Social Media Platforms
There are hundreds of Social Media platform all over the world. Some a bigger platform and are for everyone like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Whatsapp, Wechat, Snapchat etc while many others are localized and area/community-specific Social Media Platforms. For example, QQ and Weibo are Chinese alternatives of Whatsapp and Twitter. Live Video Streaming apps are the newest addition in Social Media Platforms. In July 2018 Tik Tok, a leading short video creation app reached 500 million users worldwide. 

Social Media Marketing Trends
Social Media is changing continuously and new trends taking place rapidly. Recently Google plus is shut down since no one was using it. People have Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok that attracts young Social Media users more than Facebook, Twitter, etc which are not trendy anymore. Influencer marketing is there with brands approaching Social Media Influencers to endorse their products and services. Brands need to provide customer service on Social Media since people first turn to Brand’s accounts on Social media to engage, to seek help and to complain. Video content creation is on rising since people love to watch videos more than reading longer texts. There is a need to understand what is happening in the industry, changing and adapting Social Media Marketing Strategy according to the newest trends and to allocate budget for new technologies

YouTube Marketing an online technique of using promotional videos aimed at promoting specific products or commodities of a brand. It mainly entails using videos to create awareness to online users by incorporating video attributes that are key descriptions of the marketing strategy.


Social Media Marketing for Businesses
73% of marketers believe Social Media marketing is very effective or somewhat effective for their business. 88% of US Businesses already promote their products and services on Social media. 74% of customers rely on Social Media to guide their purchases. People love to read testimonials and watch reviews on Youtube before buying a product. It Is extremely important for nearly any kind of business to have an active presence over Social media. Social Media plays a key role in Search Engine Optimization of any online business today that's it is recommended by digital marketing experts and creating quality content for social media is more important.

Social Media Marketing Services
Social Media Marketing Services include but not limited to
1   Social Media Management
a)     Branding/Account Creation
b)    Social Media Channels handling
c)     Content Creation (Videos, Blog posts, Ebooks, Webinars, Case Studies, etc)
d)    Content Publishing
e)     Campaign Management
f)      Research and Development/Analysis and Insights
g)     Community Management (Communities and Groups on Social media)  
2   Social Media Advertising
a)     Social Media Ads Strategy (according to the type of business)
b)    Content creation for ads (Videos/Graphics)
c)     Ads deployment on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest and so on..
d)    Ads results monitoring
e)     Research and Development
f)      Lead Generation
g)     Product Sales
h)     Gaining likes and followers through Advertising
i)       Smart Marketing – Gaining more ROI by doing Smart informed advertising by targeting the right set of audiences.  

Social media marketing has gained much popularity in the last decade due to the massive increase in Social media users. For Businesses Social Media Marketing provides a cheaper way to engage millions of people which is not possible or is quite expensive in the traditional Marketing ways. Almost all famous brands now promote their products and services on Social Media that is enough to understand why Social media Marketing is important.

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