Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is made up of all marketing efforts that use the internet or electronic device. The Internet is easily accessible nowadays and the number of Internet users keeps growing daily.

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Since the core of marketing is to reach out to the right audience in the right place at the right time, Digital marketing has turned out to be an effective marketing tool.

Digital marketing can be defined by the use of different digital channels and tactics to reach out to customers whenever they are online.

Types of Digital Marketing

One of the most important tools that can be used to reach customers effectively is digital marketing. This is because it reaches the target audience spending time in front of the screen using the various types. Here are the various types of digital marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This is the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind when you hear about digital marketing. When SEO is done right, `your business survives on search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing. You also reach out to your target audience organically.

Search Engine Optimization is a practice of optimizing your website content to be discovered via search engine’s organic search results.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM): SEM is an effective method of digital marketing that allows you to advertise your products or services on search engines. SEO and SEM almost look the same but the difference is the appearance. Examples of paid SEM are Google AdWords and BingAds.

Social Media Marketing (SMM): It is an undisputed fact that SMM is the queen if digital marketing in the 21st century. Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and many others) are not only serving as a channel to reach friends and families, but they also serve as a platform to promote your business using Paid Ads.

Content Marketing (CM): This is an indirect marketing strategy used for promoting your business or brand. The content uploaded online relates a message to the viewers and help in generating Leads. Content marketing can be used alongside SEO and SEM for a more efficient result.

Email Marketing: This is another different type of engagement and an excellent way to boost your brand’s loyalty and upsell to returning or existing customers. It is one of the oldest types of digital marketing, but it still remains efficient when you use newsletters, confirmation emails, email notifications, thank you emails, and lots more.

Online Ads: This strategy uses Ads or banners online for advertising. Online platforms like Google AdSense can be used to display ads and banners.

Other types of digital marketing include Affiliate marketing, landing page marketing, and Viral Marketing.

Names of Service Include in Digital Marketing

The essence of Digital marketing is to position your product or service in a place where they matter most. There are quite a number of services that which include

  • Search engine optimization; increasing online visibility
  • Influencer marketing: Building a relationship with influencers to grow a brand
  • Social media marketing: Using Social media platforms
  • Digital Advertising: Using Social Ads
  • Website Analytics: Using consumer conversion

Trends in Digital Marketing

Due to the improvement in Tech and Internet connection, the digital marketing landscape as experienced a dramatic shift. Here are the current trends in digital marketing.

E-commerce is an act of using an electronic platform to undertake business transactions. It is the purchasing and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transmission of money and information to effect these transactions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI will take over the world or the simpler jobs. This is because AI analyzes search patterns, consumer behaviour using data from the blog post and social media platforms. AI offers tips and information by getting into the conversation. Using AI also saves cost and boost growth.

Chatbots: Chatbots has always been and will remain a crème part of digital marketing. Chatbots is an AI-based tech that uses instant messaging to interact with site visitors or customers. Chatbots are responsive, prompt, patient and meet customers’ expectations.

Video Marketing: The importance of incorporating videos into your digital marketing cannot be overemphasized, 70% of consumers share brands video, 72 businesses have said that video has helped improve conversion rate, 52% consumers watch products to gain confidence that they are in safe hands.


YouTube Marketing an online technique of using promotional videos aimed at promoting specific products or commodities of a brand. It mainly entails using videos to create awareness to online users by incorporating video attributes that are key descriptions of the marketing strategy.

Other current trends in digital marketing include Influencer marketing, visual search, Voice search, Personalization, programmatic advertising, etc.

Online Business Growth and Digital Marketing

The difference between surviving and thriving is clear and every business owner is familiar with it. A surviving business is okay because the business owner is relieved but a thriving business is a business that is experiencing an increase in re


The only tool that helps businesses thrive and not just survive is digital marketing. Irrespective of the size of your business, Digital marketing will work for you.

Why digital marketing

  • Digital marketing is cheaper and cost-effective
  • It delivers high conversions
  • Digital marketing is easy to set up and run
  • It helps generate better revenue
  • It allows interaction with the target audience
  • It builds the reputation of a brand online and offline
  • It earns peoples trust
  • Digital marketing is the future